Jul 23, 2023, 12:26 AM IST

7 Unsolved Mysteries About Solar System 

Vikrant Singh

1. The origin of Moon 

There are various theories about how the Moon formed, but none fully explains the process. The leading hypothesis is the Giant Impact Theory, which suggests that a Mars-sized body collided with the early Earth, leading to the ejection of debris that eventually formed the Moon. 

2. The tilt of Uranus

Unlike most planets in the solar system, Uranus rotates on its side, with its poles almost in the plane of its orbit. The exact reason for this extreme tilt remains unclear, and it’s a subject of ongoing research. 

3. Magnetic fields of Mercury and Ganymede

Mercury, the smallest planet, and Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons, both exhibit unexpectedly strong magnetic fields. Ascertaining the sources of these magnetic fields still challenges our current understanding of planetary geophysics. 

4. The heating of Jupiter’s atmosphere

Jupiter’s upper atmosphere is much hotter than current models predict, considering its distance from the Sun. The energy source responsible for this extra heating is still not well understood. 

5. The formation of the asteroid belt

While it’s believed that the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter originated from the early solar system’s debris, the specifics of its formation and why a planet did not form in that region are still uncertain. 

6. Methane on Mars

Methane has been detected in the Martian atmosphere, and its presence is intriguing as it could be a potential sign of microbial life. However, the source of this methane remains unknown, and it could also be produced by geological processes. 

7. The puzzling Moons of Saturn

Some of the Saturn’s moons, such as Enceladus and Titan, exhibit peculiar features. Enceladus has geysers spewing water vapour and icy particles from its south pole, while Titan has a thick atmosphere and methane lakes. Understanding the processes behind these unique activities is an ongoing challenge.