This Little Girl's Black Henna Tattoo Left Her With Severe Chemical Burns

This is horrifying.
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In theory, henna tattoos should be a rad alternative to the real deal. They're semi-permanent, look dope, and are the perfect option for those not ready to commit to ink for life. That being said, you do have to be extremely careful when it comes to henna, as there have been multiple incidents over the last few months in which black henna has been administered rather than the natural kind, and the results aren't pretty. In fact, they're pretty fucking painful.

In June, a 13-year-old girl named Teigan ended up with severe burns after unknowingly getting a black henna while on vacation in Greece. And now, just two months later, we got wind of a 7-year-old girl by the name of Madison, who had the same thing happen to her. She got a tattoo at her hotel's spa while on vacation, according to Hello Giggles.

At first, everything was A-OK, but once Madison got home to the U.K., her parents realized something was off when some of the spots began to rise, and then the area began to itch. Her dad told Hello Giggles, "We noticed there was a small patch on the top of the tattoo that was raised but we couldn't see any redness. The next morning the whole tattoo was starting to get itchy, so we washed it off which revealed a rash in the outline of the tattoo."

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Poor Madison ended up with horrific blistering on her hand and arm where the ink was, and after trying multiple creams and ointments in attempt to soothe the spots, she had to have them removed at the hospital. What's even more harrowing is the fact that she'll have to see a specialist about the scars left behind by the chemical burns from the black henna. (Her mother told Hello Giggles that the hotel claimed it was not their henna, and more or less blamed it on Madison's skin🤔.)

What we can all learn from this is to be very cautious when it comes to henna, as it turns out people are burned from black henna all. the. time. The main difference between the aforementioned dangerous henna and the natural kind is that it's made up of myriad chemicals, including p-Phenylenediamine or PPD, which Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, says is common cause of skin allergies. "If you have sensitive skin and history of allergies, I recommend staying away from black henna tattoos," he tells Allure.

Actually, black henna is banned from the U.S. and the U.K., but if you're on vacation and considering getting your own art — which we don't recommend, TBH — proceed with caution. Before getting a tattoo, ask the artist questions and look out for warning signs, such like a strong scent, as black henna has a very poignant, chemical smell, whereas natural henna does not.

The takeaway: Think twice before getting a henna tattoo while on vacay. While it might seem like a fun way to spice up your look, it could result in painful, long-lasting lesions, much like Madison's and many other victims, if you don't make sure it's 100 percent safe. And as my dad always says, you're better off being safe than sorry.

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