You can view it as a learning experience. You can view it as entertainment. Either way you choose to view Bodies … The Exhibition at Luxor, you’ll walk away from the attraction with a better understanding and appreciation for that body that actually just carried you through said exhibit.

Bodies is human anatomy come to life in a unique, curious and teachable way. Put through a method known as polymer preservation, 13 real, whole-body specimens and more than 250 actual organs and body parts are on display (as well as skeletal structures). The self-guided, walk-through experience is also chock-full of facts you can read throughout the exhibit. Every drop of blood in the body passes through the heart once per minute. The tongue is made up of 16 individual muscles. The kidneys filter impurities from the blood at a rate of 15 gallons per hour.

See what a lung looks like after years of smoking (guests that do smoke have the chance to toss their packs of cigarettes into a clear plastic box as a sign of a commitment to quit); what a liver looks like from cirrhosis damage; what the brain looks like after suffering a stroke; what organs look like from overeating or lack of exercise. The exhibit is also divided into sections so guests can explore the body’s muscular, skeletal, circulatory and respiratory systems. A highly sensitive exhibit explains and shows fetal development (this is a room you can choose to skip entirely).

For an extremely timely exploration, Bodies recently added a few displays that explore the effects that COVID-19 has on the body. Read about what the virus does to the circulatory system, the reproductive system, the respiratory system, the digestive system and more.

Perhaps the most meaningful quote on display says, “Why all this interest in the human body? The answer to this question seems quite clear to me: your body is the only thing you can carry with you from the moment you are born until your very last breath.” So why wouldn’t you want to learn as much as you can about your body, right? And that makes Bodies … The Exhibition a must-see.

Luxor, 702.262.4400

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